Outfits are fashions items that can used to change the appearance of your character. Most outfits can only be obtained from the cash shop but a few outfits can be earned in game by crafting fashion blueprints,purchased from the Grutin-o-mat or from events. Outfits are released on a rotating schedule and certain outfits are not always in the cash shop. Brooches can also be equipped onto outfits to gain stat bonuses. See the brooches page for more information.
Certain outfits may have an equalizer effect that changes your character's voice settings and skill animations. These changes are purely cosmetic and have no other impact on gameplay. In order to use an equalizer effect, the corresponding outfit must be equipped or equipped visually. Outfits that have an equalizer effect fall under the PS grade category.
Mended School Uniform[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Chii's School Uniform[]
Outfit Gallery |
Personal Fashion[]
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art |
Costume Swap[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art |
Sporty Look[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{JinGallery}}} {{{IrisGallery}}} {{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Stylish Sporty[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{JinGallery}}} {{{IrisGallery}}} {{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
SFL Guard[]
Outfit Gallery |
Outfit Outfit Outfit Outfit Outfit {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
NPC Cosplay[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Trader Alliance[]
Outfit Gallery |
Historic Starry Forest Uniform[]
Outfit Gallery |
Cloudream Superstar[]
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art {{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Coffee House Dress A[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Coffee House Dress B[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Outfit Gallery |
Outfit {{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Winter Look[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Secret Agent[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{ErwinGallery}}} {{{JinGallery}}} {{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Outfit Gallery |
Outfit Outfit Outfit Outfit Outfit {{{IrisGallery}}} {{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Beauty School Look[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Beauty School Look 2[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Outfit Gallery |
Outfit Outfit Outfit Outfit {{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Flower Power[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Beddy-bye Pyjamas[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Outfit Gallery |
Outfit Outfit Outfit Outfit {{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Party Animal[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Party Animal B[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Epic Avatar[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{IrisGallery}}} {{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Grutin Greeting[]
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art {{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Outfit Gallery |
Outfit Outfit Outfit Outfit Outfit Outfit {{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Work in Black[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Outfit Gallery |
concept art {{{ErwinGallery}}} concept art {{{StellaGallery}}} {{{JinGallery}}} {{{IrisGallery}}} {{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Spiral Cats[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{HaruGallery}}} {{{ErwinGallery}}} {{{LillyGallery}}} concept art {{{JinGallery}}} concept art {{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art Outfit concept art {{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Sparkling Bunny[]
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Sea Lion[]
Outfit Gallery |
Outfit Outfit Outfit Outfit Outfit {{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Giant Bunny[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Outfit Gallery |
concept art Outfit concept art Outfit concept art Outfit concept art Outfit concept art Outfit concept art Outfit concept art Outfit concept art Outfit |
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Red Marching Band[]
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art {{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Holy Seat[]
Outfit Gallery |
concept art Outfit concept art concept art Outfit concept art concept art Outfit concept art Outfit concept art Outfit concept art |
Purple Magnolias[]
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Yin and Yang[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Silver Round[]
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art |
Party Soulijama[]
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art |
Cottonwood Uniform[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Maitre d/Butler[]
Outfit Gallery |
concept art Outfit concept art Outfit concept art Outfit concept art concept art Outfit concept art Outfit concept art Outfit {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Bad Blood Ball[]
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Soul Kitty[]
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art Outfit concept art concept art {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Winter's Kiss[]
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art |
Gentiana Uniform[]
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art |
Outfit Gallery |
Outfit Outfit Outfit Outfit Outfit Outfit {{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Angel Down[]
Outfit Gallery |
Outfit {{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Sweet Confectioner[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Sunshine Swimwear[]
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art {{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Long Live Summer[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Sun Kiss Swimwear[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Trick or Treat[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Happy Holidays[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Ice Fairy[]
Outfit Gallery |
Outfit Outfit Outfit Outfit {{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Sea Breeze[]
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art Outfit concept art {{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Merry Christmas[]
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Sailor Suit[]
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Outfit Gallery |
concept art Outfit concept art Outfit concept art Outfit concept art concept art Outfit concept art Outfit concept art Outfit concept art |
Vistors of Orario[]
File:Vistors of Orario img.png
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art |
Hestia Outfit[]
Outfit Gallery |
concept art {{{ErwinGallery}}} concept art concept art {{{JinGallery}}} concept art concept art |
Sports Festival of Flowers[]
Outfit Gallery |
Nihil Bodyguard[]
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art |
Shadow Whisper[]
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art |
Summer Beach[]
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art |
Street Runners[]
Outfit Gallery |
concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art concept art |
Lovely Date[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Sports and Sweat[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{ChiiGallery}}} {{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Detective Academy[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{EphnelGallery}}} |
Outfit Gallery |
Hospital Romance[]
Outfit Gallery |
Iconic Look[]
Outfit Gallery |
{{{EphnelGallery}}} |
School Swimsuit[]
Outfit Gallery |